Sunday, April 27, 2008

Piercing stares, part deux

Several collaborating scientists have brought to my attention some additional data.

Ms. Zigana mentioned the efficacy of chest compressions combined with piercing stares (PS). She should know, since she delivers a quintessential PS on her website. Imagine its awe-inspiring power in the flesh.

However, the learning curve is steep indeed for implementing multiple simultaneous interventions. Many mistakes can be made by the inexpert practitioner.

Figure 1. Reverse chest compression position, prohibiting piercing stares

Young Charles pointed out the value of guttural vocalizing, 'grumbling' in the vernacular. As he so astutely remarked, humans respond to the combination of grumbling and piercing stares with laughter 84.7% of the time. And it's been proven repeatedly that laughter is positively associated with All Things Good.

By the way, young Charles has embarked on a related study: The Importance of Eyebrow Strength and Flexibility to the Cute Face. Always nice to see a young scientist in the making.

Finally, Andrew of A+M+M+J introduced the term 'visual fixity' as the proper category for studies of this ilk. I am indebted to his lexiconical perspicacity.


Delilah and Rocket said...

Nice inverted chest compression however I try to sit on moms chest and stare at her face just after lapping up lots of water at the traugh. I'm not sure if its the stare or the sloppy kiss that gets such a quick response

redgirls-in-scotland said...


The trouble with scientific investigation is that it may only include its participants. It seems to redgirls that in your post there is a slant towards a "positive reinforcement" strategy and a relationship therein. Sadly Redgirls have not found that this approach is effective in the management of our humans. So we cannot be part of your research.

Redgirls would wish to postulate bullying as an alternative technique. We stand. We eyeball her. Get in the way. Make her trip over us. Yes. Even on the way to the toaster. Bark and whine and be annoying when we must INSIST that she drop whatever she is doing and pay attention to US! Walk time NOW! Huggles IMMEDIATELY! Works a treat.

And yes we agree. Laughing is the best.

Andrew Campbell said...

Prof. Brown: sorry I presented you with a formula (A+M+M+J) but no equation... A+M+M+J = The Regal Vizsla. Glad you liked the term 'visual fixity,' consider it yours till the book-deal comes in.

Thank you for giving some technical frameworks to vizsla behavioral studies. To this point we had referred to 'sitting on the chest, staring down at you, and then dropping on dad to lick his head repeatedly' as 'The Depth Charge.' Far too colloquial. Indeed.

Andrew, Meg, Momo + Jozsi

Brisztow Jones said...

Dear BB
I only just noticed this post on Piercing Stares. I too do piercing stares but they are part of a program of subversion I like to call the Voodoo Hex protocol.

Please refer to the following instances of my subversive tactic in use:

Exhibit A
Voodoo Hex

Exhibit B
Love Camel

Please be sure to use these tactics sparingly as they become slightly less effective when your subject realizes what spell has been cast... Though, only slightly less.

Brisztow Jones