Sunday, April 6, 2008


Ever keen-eyed, I've detected an emerging phenomenon: vizsla yoga.

Here's one of the lovely filles rouges d'Ecosse in a challenging pose: Upward-facing Sleeping Dog. Notice the flexion in her hind legs and the extension in her front ones, as well as the spinal rotation between her hips and her shoulders. Very advanced skills.

Another yoga student from the UK, Hamish McKhan. Nice flexion/extension as well.

And Ms. Zigana, also from the UK. She's added the challenging element of maintaining eye contact. Admirable!

Ms. Ditto, combining flexion, extension, rotation, and eye contact. I believe she's attained enlightenment.

From the States, Dennis the Constitutional Peasant. Dennis has clearly transcended physical reality altogether, because he's sprouted a human hand from his right ear.



Delilah and Rocket said...

I really must try this yoga stuff it looks rather relaxing and I always like to be on the trendy side of things.

Anonymous said...

hello b3 that is me lerning how to do that word greeting ive seen on teevee ok bye

Anonymous said...

You get brighter and brighter by the day.

It couldn't perhaps be a V trait - maintaining a yoga position for as long as your human will stroke you?

I think you have missed another V who likes sleeping on her back - miss Ditto I believe has a pic somewhere on her blog.

Ooh I lie it is on her web page here:

Buster the Vizsla said...

My dear Ms. Ziggi,

Thank you so much for bringing Ms. Ditto's yoga mastery to my attention.

Gratefully yrs.,